Replicator Dynamics

/Replicator Dynamics

Variation or Six Sigma

"by having multiple models, we can then adjudicate which models can work in which setting by looking at the assumptions of those models. If we just have opposite proverbs, we're stuck with two contradictory statements. So one of the huge advantages of


Fisher’s Theorem

"Fisher's fundamental theorem of natural selection is an idea about genetic variance in population genetics developed by the statistician and evolutionary biologist Ronald Fisher. It uses some mathematical notation but is not a theorem in the mathematical sense." - Wikipedia Source: Scott


The Replicator Equation

"In mathematics, the replicator equation is a deterministic monotone non-linear and non-innovative game dynamic used in evolutionary game theory. ... This important property allows the replicator equation to capture the essence of selection." - Wikipedia Source: Scott Page Model Thinking MOOC Course


Replicator Dynamics

"The replicator dynamics are part of evolutionary game theory and are especially prominent in models of cultural evolution. Evolutionary game theory uses principles of interactive behavior to explain the emergence of behavioral regularities in organisms forming a population. ... An organism's offspring
