
Most Comprehensive, Categorized List Of The Most Useful Mental Models

Consider this website as a dictionary or library for Mental Models. It will be your single point of truth for learning about particular Mental Models and how they are connected.

This library is maintained by the Mental Model Club

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Our readers include men and women, hedge fund managers, and entrepreneurs, from tech to retail industry, teachers and students, leaders and teammates, and many others interested in exercising the rationality and getting better 1% every day.

This week’s Mental Model

  • Version two is a lie

Version two is a lie

September 25th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

"When building a product, don’t bank on a second version ever shipping. Make sure the first version is a complete product because it may be out there forever. When software was sold on shelves, teams

Last weeks Mental Models

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We recommend to start with the category General Thinking Tools

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Application of Mental Models in everyday life

Wonder how you can leverage Mental Models in your daily life? How to achieve growth and maintain competitiveness in a complex world?

Mental Model Club

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What is a Mental Model?

Mental Model can be defined as a representation of how some real-life phenomenon works. However this dictionary will focus on the ones which don’t change in time. Some of them are helping us to reach our full potential and the others are taking us far way from the desired success.

Introduction to Mental Models