

About a_dmin

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So far a_dmin has created 695 blog entries.

A Truly Nefarious Neurosurgeon

" Neuroscientists, psychologists, and philosophers need to take seriously their moral obligation to think through the presuppositions and implications of their public pronouncements on these issues with the same care that is demanded of people who hold forth on global warming or



As Dawkins (1976) pointed out, when he introduced the concept of the meme as a cultural item that gets itself copied, the fundamental principle of biology is that all life evolves by the differential survival of replicating entities. . . . Two


Herb, Alice, and Hal, the Baby

If there were alternate structures that preserved the information, evolution would continue unimpeded. This claim can be further examined in yet another intuition pump. Imagine that on another planet, “odd-numbered” generations used the DNA rungs A, C, G, and T, and “even-numbered” generations used


Noise in the Virtual Hotel

In his book Le Ton Beau de Marot , Doug Hofstadter (1997) draws attention to the role of what he calls spontaneous intrusions into a creative process. In the real world, almost everything that happens leaves a wake, makes shadows, has an


Who Is the Author of Spamlet?

Suppose Dr. Frankenstein designs and constructs a monster, Spakesheare, which thereupon sits up and writes out a play, Spamlet. Who is the author of Spamlet? To a Darwinian, this new element in the cascade of cranes is simply the latest in a


Leaping through Space in the Library of Babel

In 1988, Otto Neugebauer, the great historian of astronomy, was sent a photograph of a fragment of Greek papyrus that had a few numbers written in a column on it. The sender, a classicist, had no clue about the meaning of this


What Does the Frog’s Eye Tell the Frog’s Brain?

It showed that the frog’s visual system is sensitive to small moving dark spots on the retina, tiny shadows cast in almost all natural circumstances by flies flying in the vicinity. This “fly-detector” mechanism is appropriately wired to the hair trigger in



Everybody knows about the familiar large-scale cycles of nature: day follows night follows day; summer-fall-winter-spring-summer-fall-winter-spring; the water cycle of evaporation and precipitation that refills our lakes, scours our rivers, and restores the water supply of every living thing on the planet. But


Beware of the Prime Mammal

You may think you’re a mammal, and that dogs and cows and whales are mammals, but really there aren’t any mammals at all. There couldn’t be! Here’s a philosophical argument to prove it. 1. Every mammal has a mammal for a mother.
