Human Nature

/Human Nature

Find out what you and others are like.

1.Introversion vs. extroversion. 2. Intuiting vs. sensing. 3. Thinking vs. feeling. 4. Planning vs. perceiving. 5. Creators vs. refiners vs. advancers vs. executors vs. flexors. 6. Focusing on tasks vs. focusing on goals. 7. Workplace Personality Inventory. 8. Shapers are people who


Survivorship Bias

A major problem with historiography – our interpretation of the past – is that history is famously written by the victors. We do not see what Nassim Taleb calls the “silent grave” – the lottery ticket holders who did not win. Thus,


Influence of Stress (Including Breaking Points)

Stress causes both mental and physiological responses and tends to amplify the other biases. Almost all human mental biases become worse in the face of stress as the body goes into a fight-or-flight response, relying purely on instinct without the emergency brake


Influence of Authority

The equally famous Stanford Prison Experiment and Milgram Experiments demonstrated what humans had learned practically many years before: the human bias towards being influenced by authority. In a dominance hierarchy such as ours, we tend to look to the leader for guidance
