

Zero Tolerance

“Strict punishment for infractions of a stated rule, with the intention of eliminating undesirable conduct.” Source: Gabriel Weinberg's Mental Models I Find Repeatedly Useful


Commandos vs Infantry vs Police

“Three distinct groups of people that define the lifetime of a company: Commandos, Infantry, and Police: Whether invading countries or markets, the first wave of troops to see battle are the commandos…Grouping offshore as the commandos do their work is the second


Loyalists vs Mercenaries

“There are highly loyal teams that can withstand almost anything and remain steadfastly behind their leader. And there are teams that are entirely mercenary and will walk out without thinking twice about it.” Source: Gabriel Weinberg's Mental Models I Find Repeatedly Useful


Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

“Maslow used the terms ‘physiological’, ‘safety’, ‘belongingness’ and ‘love’, ‘esteem’, ‘self-actualization’, and ‘self-transcendence’ to describe the pattern that human motivations generally move through… [though there is] little evidence for the ranking of needs that Maslow described or for the existence of a


Peter Principle

“The selection of a candidate for a position is based on the candidate’s performance in their current role, rather than on abilities relevant to the intended role. Thus, employees only stop being promoted once they can no longer perform effectively, and ‘managers


High-context vs Low-context Culture

“In a higher-context culture, many things are left unsaid, letting the culture explain. Words and word choice become very important in higher-context communication, since a few words can communicate a complex message very effectively to an in-group (but less effectively outside that


Consequence vs Conviction

“Where there is low consequence and you have very low confidence in your own opinion, you should absolutely delegate. And delegate completely, let people make mistakes and learn. On the other side, obviously where the consequences are dramatic and you have extremely


Organizational Debt

“All the people/culture compromises made to ‘just get it done’ in the early stages of a startup.” Source: Gabriel Weinberg's Mental Models I Find Repeatedly Useful


Generalist vs Specialist

“A generalist is a person with a wide array of knowledge, the opposite of which is a specialist.” (related: hedgehog vs fox — “A fox knows many things, but a hedgehog one important thing.”) Source: Gabriel Weinberg's Mental Models I Find Repeatedly


Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset

“Those with a ‘fixed mindset’ believe that abilities are mostly innate and interpret failure as the lack of necessary basic abilities, while those with a ‘growth mindset’ believe that they can acquire any given ability provided they invest effort or study.” Source:
