Tipping Points

/Tipping Points

Measuring Tips

"So one way to think about tipping points in the measure we're going to introduce is gonna depend on that idea. That the uncertainty goes away. Initially, there was some uncertainty. It could go left or right, but after the tip, we


Contagion Models 2 SIS Model

"the SIS model, for "susceptible, infected and then susceptible". That is, you're susceptible to some disease, then you get infected, and then after you get infected you're cured, but then you can become susceptible again if the disease is mutated in some


Classifying Tipping Points

"There are contextual tips where the environment changes. Once the environment changes, then the system is likely to move from one state to another once somebody lights the match. There's tips within class, where you move from one equilibrium to a new


Contagion Models 1 Diffusion

"In the diffusion model, everybody just gets it. There's no, you know, sort of getting cured. So this thing of this is diffusion of information through a system or disease that everybody's just gonna get. Alright? So the diffusion method sorta works


Percolation Models

"Percolation theory deals with fluid flow (or any other similar process) in random media. If the medium is a set of regular lattice points, then there are two main types of percolation: A site percolation considers the lattice vertices as the relevant


Tipping Points

"The tipping point is an expression used in epidemiology that was taken by Malcolm Gladwell, a New York Times writer, and applied to other areas of life—including business—in his 2000 book “The Tipping Point”. The subtitle, “How Little Things Can Make a
