
Hold yourself and your people accountable and appreciate them for holding you accountable.

Categories: Manage as Someone Operating a Machine to Achieve a Goal|

1. If you’ve agreed with someone that something is supposed to go a certain way, make sure it goes that way—unless you get in sync about doing it differently. 2. Distinguish between a failure in which someone broke their “contract”

Know that great leadership is generally not what it’s made out to be.

Categories: Manage as Someone Operating a Machine to Achieve a Goal|

1.Be weak and strong at the same time. 2. Don’t worry about whether or not your people like you and don’t look to them to tell you what you should do. 3. Don’t give orders and try to be followed;

Think like an owner, and expect the people you work with to do the same.

Categories: Manage as Someone Operating a Machine to Achieve a Goal|

1. Going on vacation doesn’t mean one can neglect one’s responsibilities. 2. Force yourself and the people who work for you to do difficult things. Source: Ray Dalio's Book Principles

Probe deep and hard to learn what you can expect from your machine.

Categories: Manage as Someone Operating a Machine to Achieve a Goal|

1. Get a threshold level of understanding. 2. Avoid staying too distant. 3. Use daily updates as a tool for staying on top of what your people are doing and thinking. 4. Probe so you know whether problems are likely

Know what your people are like and what makes them tick, because your people are your most important resource.

Categories: Manage as Someone Operating a Machine to Achieve a Goal|

1. Regularly take the temperature of each person who is important to you and to the organization. 2. Learn how much confidence to have in your people—don’t assume it. 3. Vary your involvement based on your confidence. Source: Ray Dalio's

Understand the differences between managing, micromanaging, and not managing.

Categories: Manage as Someone Operating a Machine to Achieve a Goal|

1. Managers must make sure that what they are responsible for works well. 2. Managing the people who report to you should feel like skiing together. 3. An excellent skier is probably going to be a better ski coach than