Make the process of learning what someone is like open, evolutionary, and iterative.

//Make the process of learning what someone is like open, evolutionary, and iterative.

Make the process of learning what someone is like open, evolutionary, and iterative.

1. Make your metrics clear and impartial.
2. Encourage people to be objectively reflective about their performance.
3. Look at the whole picture.
4. For performance reviews, start from specific cases, look for patterns, and get in sync with the person being reviewed by looking at the evidence together.
5. Remember that when it comes to assessing people, the two biggest mistakes you can make are being overconfident in your assessment and failing to get in sync on it.
6. Get in sync on assessments in a nonhierarchical way.
7. Learn about your people and have them learn about you through frank conversations about mistakes and their root causes.
8. Understand that making sure people are doing a good job doesn’t require watching everything that everybody is doing at all times.
9. Recognize that change is difficult.
10. Help people through the pain that comes with exploring their weaknesses.

Ray Dalio’s Book Principles
